Every year in April will hold CME along with other schools in our southern Frederick school district do a charity concert, the ticket price goes to our local “mad bank” where families with skolebørn can come and get mad Products, if their economic status is so poor, that they can not provide for their children and themselves.
In Frederick municipality is estimated 700 students from 0.kl.- 12. Kl., are not able to be supported by their family, og heraf ca. 200 students in our neighborhood.
Our local churches manage and organize these food knock, and our immediate environment
Is very generiøse to donate various food products, to keep these food depots full.
The Church, (United Metodist) Trine to be confirmed in, ensure that children from Sarah's school (Carroll Manor Elementary- CMES), every Friday gets a “backpack with a lunch box” home for the weekend, so they do not go hungry in bed.
As an additional collection, holds the nearby schools a concert, to put the focus on the need for this gesture, to provide them with better living and school conditions.
As a thank you for your help, have some of the nearby Middle school creeret clay dishes, as a symbol of the tomme mad bowl, that you receive as a ” Tak-for-at-støtte-koncerten/indsamlingen.