In late August we were one in Denmark to celebrate Børges 80 birthday. It was great to see the family again, So although it week in Denmark was quick, there was also the opportunity to visit H. C. Andersen's house. When the girls were small purchase we H.C. Andersen's fairy tales as cartoons and even to this day it happens that they find the old film forward. In the United States know the children also H.C. Andersen's fairy tales, so the visit in Odense was a go way to show the girls the other hand a small part of Denmark, but also something Danish culture, samt indsigt i den store forfatters liv og fortællinger.
For Lise og jeg var det et hyggelig gensyn med H. C. Andersen's house. Der er sket meget siden vi var der sidst. Ikke midt hyggeligt at gense Odense midtby som jeg ikke har besøgt siden tiden som soldat 🙂
Vi stoppede på en rasteplads på vej til Odense for at nyde den medbragte mad og kaffe.