Monday 26 May, a US public holiday “Memorial Day” where the mind would like to go to those who have been killed or injured for life in one of the many wars that America has participated in since 2. World. My motorcycle group and I have the last 3 år deltaget i motorcykel demonstrationen “Rolling thunder” I Washington DC som afholdes søndagen før Memorial Day, as a clarion call to the American politicians on all those who still are prisoners of war or missing. It's a great experience to participate with about 500.000 -700.000 Motorcycles in Washington. I år have vi besøg af Hans Kristian, og sammen deltog vi Rolling thunder XXVII.
Vejret var super god i weekenden med omkring 30 grader og blå himmel, så vi fik grillet og tilbragt en del tid ude op terrassen. Desværre for Lise stod den på eksamenslæsning, men det kan man jo også gøre ude 😉